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更新时间:2024-01-13 23:36:06 人气指数:

What is the Past Participle of "Strike"?

Have you ever wondered what the past participle of the verb "strike" is? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we will explore the past participle form of "strike" and its usage in different contexts.

What is the Past Participle Form of "Strike"?

The past participle form of "strike" is "struck". Unlike regular verbs that simply add "ed" to form the past participle, "strike" undergoes a change in its base form.

How is "Struck" Used in Verb Tenses?

"Struck" is used as the past participle in various verb tenses, such as the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect. Let"s take a closer look at some examples:

Present Perfect Tense:

In this tense, "struck" is used to indicate an action that happened at an unspecified time in the past but has a connection to the present. For example: "I have struck out three times in today"s baseball game."

Past Perfect Tense:

The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that occurred before another action in the past. For instance: "He had already struck the ball when the thunderstorm started."

Future Perfect Tense:

In the future perfect tense, "struck" is used to show an action that will be completed before a specified time in the future. For example: "By tomorrow, she will have struck all the names off her to-do list."

Other Uses of "Struck"

Aside from verb tenses, the past participle "struck" is also used in various idiomatic expressions. Here are a few examples:

Struck by Lightning:

This expression is used to describe someone who has been hit by lightning. It is a figurative way of saying that an unexpected event has taken place. For instance: "He was struck by lightning while hiking in the mountains."

Struck a Chord:

When something "strikes a chord," it means it resonates or connects with someone emotionally. For example: "Her speech at the conference struck a chord with the audience."


Now that you know the past participle form of "strike" is "struck," you can confidently use it in your writing and conversations. Remember to pay attention to the verb tense and context in which "struck" is being used. Happy writing!



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